When their entire source of income hangs in the balance, people tend to get nervous. But think about it – we’ve all been shopping online for at least 10 years and how often do our payments fail to go through? It’s the same thing for companies that work with remote teams; as long as you know your employer and trust their legitimacy, there’s not a realistic risk that your paycheck isn’t going to come through online. Plus, you can rest assured that if you do experience Payza problems, we are here to help you resolve them quickly.
Payza Problem Solving 101
Let’s face it, all companies have technical problems at some point. We understand that Payza problems cannot be taken lightly – e-commerce companies like Payza deal with people’s money and that’s where security matters the most. That’s why we make sure we always have people on hand around the clock to help our customers solve all their Payza problems.
But the fact is that most of the problems you might have can be thwarted at the source: you. Many internet users are extremely irresponsible with their data. If you work from home, you rely on that data to make a living.
So make sure you don’t become a victim – follow these online security tips:
1. Update your browsers, apps and anti-virus programs: Hackers are always finding new ways to infiltrate your computer. Most software updates, among other things, patch the latest known security vulnerabilities in your browsers and anti-virus software. Make sure to always stay up-to-date.
2. Disable cookies: Cookies allow websites to remember your preferences, which makes for a more enjoyable online experience. However, cookies can also be used for evil. Some sites will try to automatically download viruses or data-harvesting software onto your computer, but with cookies disabled, this won’t be possible.
Working from Outside the House
If you’re anything like me, a change of scenery can really be a boost to your productivity. But if you’re working outside of the house and accessing a public network, there are even more security risks you should be aware of:
3. Don’t enter personal information into online forms: Online shopping, for example, requires the transmission of personal financial data. Fraudsters that are also tapped into a shared public network could be able to intercept that data, which might leave you a long way from home with an empty bank account.
4. Don’t access your email: It can be hard to resist, but accessing your email on a public network can expose a massive amount of personal information. Even if you are careful never to send any sensitive information over email, hackers can still hijack your contact list and use your account to send phishing emails.
If you’re working remotely, chances are your email account contains massive amount of vital information. It’s the lifeblood of the freelancer’s career – every assignment, report, invoice and receipt goes through it. Not only can any personal financial information be used to perform identity theft, but imagine if your password were to be changed or your data destroyed! It could amount to a career-damaging catastrophe. So visit the Payza Blog to learn more about Payza problem solving and eliminate the risks associated with working remotely once-and-for-all.
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If you ever run into Payza problems isn’t it nice to know that the Payza Customer Support Team is always there, ready to help you in any way you need. From phone support, to live chat, to email support and the Payza Community interactive forum, there is always a place to get the help you need when you need it and how you want it. Read this article to find out how to get help and get your Payza problems fixed.
The Payza Fraud Prevention Team is the Best in the Business
Payza’s priority is, first-and-foremost, security. We believe in making the online payments world a truly safe place to send money, shop and do business so the security of our members is extremely important to us. Read this article to learn how Payza Fraud Prevention Team keeps Payza’s members safe.
Payza’s priority is, first-and-foremost, security. We believe in making the online payments world a truly safe place to send money, shop and do business so the security of our members is extremely important to us. Read this article to learn how Payza Fraud Prevention Team keeps Payza’s members safe.